Examples with must
a1) You must see a doctor at once !
a2)  I have to be at school tomorrow at 8 a.m. I have an exam !
a21) I've got to be at school tomorrow at .....
a3)  You mustn't touch that plate, it's too hot.
a4)  I had to see a doctor, because I felt very sick.
a5)  I had to break the window ! I lost my key !
a6)  The manager isn't here, he's had to go to Paris on urgent business.
a7)  Tomorrow the President will have to open Parliament.
a8)  She's having to move because she can't stand the noise.
a9)  I'm having to take out this detonator very slowly, to avoid an explosion.
a10)  Oh you're so kind!  You didn't have to do it as well as that !

b1)  He must be over eighty, he was born in 1930.
b2)  If my brother's not in London, he has to be in New York.
b3)  I've got all the right answers, I must be one of the winners !
b4)  If I remember correctly, it has to be here.
c1)  I can't find my laptop, I must have left it in the train.
c2)  If they're out, they mustn't have heard the news.
Attention !
Take care to distinguish correctly between  "had to" and "must have"
They had to go to London
   = They were obliged to go to London
They must have gone to London.
   = In my opinion, they have certainly gone to London.
Examples with nothing
  • Nothing could be gained by dwelling on such thoughts.
  • It was going to be nice having nothing to do but enjoy their little family for the next two weeks.
  • The fact that there was nothing to protect her from was irrelevant.
  • Dulce looked nothing like Alex.
  • There's nothing much to tell.
  • Alex said nothing, his stoic features giving no suggestion of what was on his mind.
  • There was nothing to say.
  • With nothing more to do, she wandered in to watch him shave.
  • She contributed nothing to their income.
  • Felipa said nothing as she wrapped the last present.
  • Even as she thought it, she knew her anger had nothing to do with their heritage.
Examples with noboby

  • Don't these people realize nobody reads books any more?
  • I usually facilitate, which means keeping the conversation flowing, making sure nobody gets left out.
  • Nobody likes being humiliated in front of their friends.
  • Nobody, I repeat nobody, I repeat nobody likes a bridezilla bride.
  • If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
  • Lets be honest, nobody is really standing out at the minute.
  • Nobody minds now.
  • Nobody, i repeat nobody, i repeat nobody likes a bridezilla bride.
  • I hope nobody gets ripped off in the process.
  • At present, we believe nobody knows, something Ruth Kelly will have to change.

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