Monday, April 7, 2014

 Today we know about exposition can, could and be able to, to aditional examples such as:

we have some examples about could:

  • You could be wrong.
    Podrías estar equivocado.
  • They could manage without us.
    Ellos pudieron/podrían arreglárselas sin nosotros.
  • I could help Ann if she only let me.
    Yo podría ayudar a Ann si tan solo me dejara.
  • This new plan could be very risky.
    Este nuevo plan podría ser muy riesgoso.
  • The news could kill Mr. Taylor.
    La noticia podría matarlo al señor Taylor.
  • Anybody could be chosen for the job.
    Cualquiera podría ser elegido para el trabajo.
  • I could go back and bring Kate with me.
    Yo podría/pude volver y traer a Kate conmigo. 

some examples about can:
  • She can drive a car.
  • John can speak Spanish.
  • I cannot hear you. (I can't hear you.)
  • Can you hear me?
some examples about be able to:

  • I was able to drive...
  • I will be able to drive...
  • I have been able to drive...

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